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Be thankful

November 4th - 25th, 2018

Be optimistic

November 4th, 2018   |   jim hammond

When we seek what is good, we will see what is good, and experience lift instead of drift. God has given us so much that we have every reason to BE THANKFUL. 

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Be Grateful

November 11th, 2018   |   Doug Freeman

Choosing to be grateful brings peace, joy and satisfaction in our created purpose.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

Be Encouraging

November 18th, 2018   |   Jim Hammond

God calls you to be an encourager.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

CLICK HERE to download the group leader guide.

Be Enthusiastic

November 25th, 2018   |   Jim Hammond

Enthusiasm is not a commodity that is elevated by our environment as much as it is a wellspring of the heart that finds its source in Christ.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

CLICK HERE to download the group leader guide.