Why Do Christians Read the Bible?

They say that time is our most valuable resource. We all get 24 hours every day. That’s it. So how do we decide how to invest this precious resource? If you’re like me, you have more things vying for your time than you have time to spend. Between work, family, friends, and other obligations, I often feel like I can’t possibly squeeze something else in my schedule. Still, I choose to spend time daily reading the Word of God. Why? Why do Christians read the Bible? As you’ll see, the return on my investment came just when I needed it.


There I stood. Finger waving, voice raised, anger pouring out, as my wide-eyed child looked up at me. Everything in me knew I should back away, calm down, and come back when I could handle the situation with grace and humility. But I didn’t. Later I sat alone in my room with tear-stained cheeks, heart-broken by my own sin. The remorse and desire I felt to repent to God and my child was the righteous response, but there was something else lingering, too. I had allowed the enemy to distort those feelings into shame. I allowed what was a mistake to take root as my identity. No longer was I a mom-who-lost-her-temper. I was simply a bad mom.

Immediately, the Lord reminded me of the woman caught in adultery, so I opened my Bible and began poring over her story. Here she was, caught in sin. Undoubtedly she had been labeled by others—and by herself. Shame had set in. But in Jesus’ eyes, she was not defined by her sin. He simply looked at her with love and kindness, and sent her away with the words, “Go now and leave your life of sin.” Rather than thrusting condemnation on her, He lavished her with kindness.

There on those pages I saw the gospel. The same grace that was extended to her all those years ago is extended to me, and to you, today. In that grace, there is freedom. Freedom from judgment. Freedom from shame. Tucked in the pages of that ancient book are truths that transcend time, culture, and circumstance. Page after page reveals God’s character, His promises, and His story lived out since the beginning of time.

We are making investments in our souls.

So why do Christians read the Bible? Because we’re making investments in our souls. We may not always be faced with a dark night of the soul, with tear-stained cheeks and a broken heart. But we all have to deal with challenges at some point in our lives—an illnessbalancepriderelationship difficulties, or even a negative self image. And when we do, the deposits we faithfully sowed will be brought to mind, so the truth of His Word will fill our hearts and our minds, bringing us the peacecomfort, and freedom we only find in Him.

So today I challenge you, make an investment in your soul. Spend time in His Word, planting seeds of truth in your heart, and watch as He uses that truth to grow your understanding and faith in Him.

This article originally appeared at Life.Church