the vow

February 3rd - 24th, 2019

The Vow of Priority

February 3, 2019   |  Jim Hammond

Don’t make the mistake of putting your spouse, or future spouse on a pedestal, asking them to fulfill all your needs. That’s too much pressure for any human being. Only God can be your #1 who can meet your needs, and bring fulfillment.

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The Vow of Pursuit

February 10, 2019   |  Jim Hammond

God built the idea of Pursuit into the definition of both the Marriage COVENANT, and our COVENANT with God, which it reflects.   We are to PURSUE, to be UNITED.  We are to cling to, adhere to, catch by pursuit, and pursue hard after with affection and devotion in both of these COVENANT relationships.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

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The Vow of Partnership

February 17, 2019   |  Doug Freeman

Marriage is covenant partnership, not a contract.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

The Vow of Purity

February 24, 2019   |  Jim Hammond

God’s standard is incredibly high when it comes to purity.

Impurity is poison. Stay away from poison. We think the line of sin starts with adultery…but Jesus backs up the sin line long before the adultery line. He talks about it from the start on the inside long before the act on the outside.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

CLICK HERE to download the group leader guide.