Bold Prayers
October 8th-October 29th, 2017
Increasingly Bold Prayers
October 8th, 2017 | Jim Hammond
God enjoys hearing about our plans (big and small) because we are inviting him to be involved. He also enjoys when we learn about his plans, accept these, and pray with these in mind.
CLICK HERE to download message notes.
Persistently Bold Prayers
October 15th, 2017 | Jim Hammond
For some reason, we all expect prayers to be answered immediately and miraculously, and we are so easily discouraged and give up with persistent prayer. This message, and the small group study that goes with it, is designed to help us stay persistent in our bold prayers!
CLICK HERE to download message notes.
Audaciously Bold Prayers
October 22nd, 2017 | Jim Hammond
Have you ever had a deep yearning within you to make some kind of significant mark in life? Begin by delighting yourself in the Lord Soon things will begin shifting inside, and you will see your vision, your desires begin to match God’s desires. Then seize your vision and make your move! How? Pray big bold audacious prayers!
CLICK HERE to download message notes.
scripturally Bold Prayers
October 29th, 2017 | Matt Shires
We can learn to pray boldly by leaning into God's word.
CLICK HERE to download message notes.