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The Point Of Our Steps

October 23rd-December 4th, 2016

1. Find Your Why

October 23, 2016    |    Jim Hammond

In the first message of this series, we lay out the 10 year plan for our church. Find your why-let's go.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

2. Everyone has a next step

OCTOBER 30, 2016    |    JIM HAMMOND

As recipients of God's unending grace, it is important for us to remember that no one has arrived. There is no one on earth who is so close to God that they are grace graduates with no steps to take. We ALL have a next step. What's yours?

CLICK HERE to download message notes.


3. Don't Do Life Alone

November 6, 2016    |    JIM HAMMOND

We all need the support, love, and nurture of others in order to grow from childhood to maturity.  It is the same with our spiritual lives.  God never intended for us to do life alone.  Join with us as we take steps together from where we are to where God wants us to be.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

4. DO First Things First

NOVEMBER 13, 2016    |    JIM HAMMOND

Do first things first and everything that needs to be done will be done; do other things first if you want important things to be undone.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

5. Saved People Serve People

NOVEMBER 20, 2016    |    JIM HAMMOND

Only when you know the goodness of being forgiven and washed when you don’t deserve it are you equipped to serve someone else who does not deserve it.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

6. Followers Say Follow Me

NOVEMBER 27, 2016    |    JIM HAMMOND

If we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, others can follow Jesus even as they follow our example.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.

7. Live With Eternal Significance

DEcember 4, 2016    |    Doug Freeman

God has given us everything we need to live lives of eternal significance.

CLICK HERE to download message notes.